el !

'3' 〝I can't stop smiling like an idiot〞'3'
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Thursday 16 October 2014


<title> ukuran font</title>
 font dengan size normal <br>
 <font size="1" face="Times New Roman" color="purple"> font size 1 </font><br>
 <font size="2"> font size 2 </font><br>
 <font size="3"> font size 3 </font><br>
 <font size="4"> font size 4 </font><br>
 <font size="5"> font size 5 </font><br>
 <font size="6"> font size 6 </font><br>
 <font size="7" face="algerian" color="purple"> font size 7 </font><br>
 <font size="-2"> font size -2 </font><br>
 <font size="-1"> font size -1 </font><br>
 <font size="+0"> font size +0 </font><br>
 <font size="+1"> font size +1 </font><br>
 <font size="+2"> font size +2 </font><br>


ukuran font

font dengan size normal
font size 1
font size 2
font size 3
font size 4
font size 5
font size 6
font size 7
font size -2
font size -1
font size +0
font size +1
font size +2



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